martes, 31 de julio de 2012

► New Roommates, new ideas.

Hello everyboy, how are all of you?

Today a new roommate has arrived  to the house. His name is Fabian, and he comes from France. He stayed here 5 years ago, studying english and living with the Brosnan Family. Now, he has come as a tourist, to visit Whasington and New York. He has been living in a friend's house, but he wanted to stay at Family Brosnan's House and spend here 2 nights. 

He is very talkative, and in fact, he can speak english very well. Fluently, and using the grammar in a correct way that is still very far from my knowledge.

He has come out with the idea of going tomorrow to a nearby Movie Theatre to watch the last film about Batman: "The Dark Knight Rises" . So, tomorrow after having dinner, Fabian, Vlad and I are going to watch the movie. 

I don´t know if I have told you about Vlad... I am not sure. Vlad is a twenty years old Russian guy from Moscú. He is here studying english too, but only for 2 weeks, because his main porpose is traveling across the country for other 2 weeks. I have been speaking with him about my travel 2 years ago along the Mother Road and all the States, Citys, Villages and National Parks that we (Celso, Santi and I) visited, and I think that his idea is doing the last part of that travel: Las Vegas, Grand Cannyon, Los Angeles, etc...)

So, that´s all for today. Tomorrow ... may be I go with Cristian to enjoy one of the cruises around the Manhatan Island. Because I has been collecting some discounts coupons from the newspaper and I have a disccount of 70% to the cruises of  "Circle Line".

Kisses and hugs for everybody. I miss all of you a lot!!!

PS: This is my first post totally in english. I will try to improve the next one with more vocabulary and more complex sentences. I try to do my best, but is difficult ....

PS2: I only have used the dictionary 3 times for writting this post :-)  
(So, it´s very likely that many words are wrong ... )

1 comentario:

Rakel dijo...

Me he enterado de todo eh?? y sin mirar el diccionario =P, eso si, corregirlo le toca mas a Marta que a mi! jeje. Me alegro de que todo vaya tan bien. Ya solo falta un mes para que vuelvas asi que exprime esta experiencia al maximo!
Un besito!